Fighting Boredom Singles Review in the Pub – April 2024

Okay, so I’m lazy enough to use the image from last months reviews in the pub… sue me. As usual we moved Fighting Boredom headquarters to the Brewery and prepared to critique the music we have been send, found and… Continue Reading

Singles Reviews at the Pub 22nd March 2023

So once more the snapper and scribbler head to the pub to listen to all the music we’ve found, bought and been sent this last few weeks while drinking beer and doing an awful amount of giggling.. read about what… Continue Reading

Singles Review In The Pub – February 2024

So on a cold Friday night me and the Photographer meet up in an undisclosed secret location to drink beer and discuss the singles and tracks we have found, been sent, bought in the last few weeks. As usual the… Continue Reading

Fighting Boredom Singles Review in the Pub – July 14th 2023

This time on the Fighting Boredom Singles Review From The Pub we headed to a new venue, along the way meeting up with Roger the cyclist and Mark the happy cyclist who gave a couple of comments when they weren’t… Continue Reading

Singles Review in the Garden with Gin, Tequila and snacks – 2nd June 2023

This time the singles reviews page was created in the Photographer’s back garden with the help of ample gin, tonic, tequila, unhealthy snacks and hilarity. It’s been a little while since the last one as gigs and holidays have interrupted… Continue Reading

Singles 14th April

Those of you that are paying attention may have realised that it’s been a bit of a gap between singles reviews. I’m not explaining, just be grateful that we are back sat in another pub. Not the usual one –… Continue Reading

Singles March 10th

So we are back in the pub with a fistful of new tracks to listen to and share our thoughts about.. so the Photographers back from the bar and we can begin.. The Noise Who Runs – Beautiful Perhaps This… Continue Reading