The Balboas – BIG|BRAVE – Death Wishlist – Melvins – album reviews

For your pleasure and delectation this time fighting boredom bring you the ‘punk surf sensation’ of The Balboas and their album made in lockdown. The ‘massive minimalism’ of BIG|BRAVE, the ‘raucous fusion of ’77 punk-rock and high-octane rock ‘n roll’… Continue Reading

Edley ODowd – healthyliving – Lana Del Rabies – Liturgy – album reviews

This time Fighting Boredom focuses more towards noise, drone and strangeness. All these releases are emotional and huge sounding. The ‘nightmares and bliss’ of Edley ODowd, the ‘kaleidoscopic and evocative musical world’ of healthyliving, the ‘deep exploration of the cyclical… Continue Reading


Fighting Boredom bring you three new album reviews. The ‘earthen heaviness’ of BIG|BRAVE. The ‘high-octane, provocative electronics’ of DEBBY FRIDAY and the ‘Experimental Electro Jazz-Rock’ of MOWGLI. Read what we thought below. BIG|BRAVE Nature Morte Thrill Jockey This whole album… Continue Reading