Lights That Change – Byzantium – Album Review

byzantium coverLights That Change


Wrong Way Records


Out 16th September 2017

Fighting Boredom reviewed Lights That Change’s Dark Narrows EP earlier this year and now we have their album. It is once again ‘rooted in Post-Punk, Dream-Pop, Shoegaze and Gothic cultures of early 4AD.’ Read what we thought below.


There’s something to be said for darkness, for a night sky with the stars scattered across the horizon. The darkness of a closed room; curtains drawn and eyes shut. It clears out the static and makes things clearer. Moonlight brings out details that you don’t see with the glare of sunshine, a more delicate beauty and a heightened emotional state.

Lights that change have embraced the dark, there are aspects from the past, but here you find no surrendering to them, just a nod backwards and a leap onward. It’s dreamy and mesmerising, quite addictive. They have disappeared into the darkness deep in the woods between the brambles and ferns, while the music twists and turns like mist over deep cold water.

The songs are beautifully constructed, the shade far outweighs the light and that is just as it should be. The vocals go from sad and lonely to floating and open but they always nothing less than beautiful.
The sound spirals and swirls, sounding like the Banshees dervish but slower and softer.
It’s a sad feeling and ultimately will capture you in its arms, just as the music it has come from did before. It goes quieter in places letting the vocal lead but the interplay of the two make this album grow and surround you.
When I reviewed the last EP I said that I wanted a bigger slice of that music, and now that it’s here I’m embracing the darkness too.

You can buy the album from the bands Bandcamp page.

Lights That Change’s website is They are also on Facebook.

All words by Adrian Bloxham.

Adrian Bloxham

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