Dragged Up – D/U
DU Recs
DL – Cassette
Out Now
Dragged Up are from Glasgow, they recorded this release on a 4 track and self released it. They say that ‘The album consists of tracks influenced by disturbing childhood TV shows and cult videos, juxtaposed with spoken word vignettes evoking phantasmal elements of the Scottish everyday.’ Fighting Boredom have been listening to it, read wat we thought below.
I got an email, out of the blue, I’d given someone our card at one of the Supersonic Festivals we went to and they had found it, emailed and sent us details of the band they were in and the cassette they’d released. So now, months later I’m coming in to write down what I think. Time moves very quickly through your fingers sometimes, blink and it’s nearly Christmas again.
This is a five song cassette dripping with cool attitude. Glasgow’s Dragged Up sound like a bunch of like minded bored with the norm n’erdowells who have come together and made a bunch of music on a four track so get this messy sound out of their heads and into the world.
It sounds scrappy but I’m not sure if that’s because it’s recorded on a four track possibly in a bedroom or because that’s how it’s supposed to sound. Whichever it is, I like it. There’s laid back to the point of being horizontal lazy story telling, fuzzy fast rock’n’roll, stoner doom and punk fuzz but the vocals never get far away from laconic and laid back and never ever do more than exactly what’s needed.
In essence, it’s cool and well worth exploring.
Dragged Up have a Bandcamp page, are on Facebook and Tweet as @DU_Glasgow.
All words by Adrian Bloxham.