Cruel Nature Recordings are a Northumberland based DIY label specialising in limited edition cassettes for eclectic tastes. They release new tapes and downloads every week, this is the latest batch. These go from drone to folk to an album influenced by the Arch Drude himself, Julian Cope. Have a read what we thought below.
All The Heavens Were A Bell
A Wheel Of Burning Eyes
Cruel Nature
This is an eighteen minute long throbbing guitar drenched drone. It’s mesmerising and all encompassing, it drags you in until you focus fully on the sound.
Capsule Bowed Space
Cruel Nature
This has a menacing deep static drone heartbeat throughout, there’s a high undulating note over a growling bass drone, both undulating and changing, in it’s midst is jazz psych drumming and. the real point is, it’s over an hour in length.
Cruel Nature
An immense psychedelic freak out, based and built on a steady drum pattern with whooshing guitars all over the place. Excellent.
Kitchen Cynics
Fractured Memories
Cruel Nature
This is a tape of gentle guitar, with a Scots voice high and true. It’s beautiful folk music.
Cruel Nature
Okay, Score is my favourite Cruel Nature artist, this is inspired by Julian Cope’s autobiographical writing, a full on loose groove recorded quickly and with style. This is an ace collection of songs that goe’s from smooth jazz sax to funky synth washedgrooves to epic resounding noise. My favourite of these releases.
Cruel Nature Records has a Bandcamp page, are on Instagram, Facebook and Tweet as @cruel nature.
All words by Adrian Bloxham.