Supersonic Virtual Kid’s Gig – Ben Sadler – Anna Palmer
November 1st, 2020
Supersonic Kids Gigs are designed for families as a way of introducing children to experimental music – BIG sounds for little people! The virtual nature doesn’t detract from the children feeling a part of the event. This time it’s billed as a special Spooky gig… Fighting Boredom and child were watching, see what we thought below
There’s a seven year old in bat tights, a black witches skirt that looks suspiciously like a tutu and a black tee shirt, she’s got black cat clips in her hair and face paint. She’s fidgeting in front of the laptop screen asking ‘Where’s Anna?’
That’s just my house, across the country and quite possibly across the world there are similar scenarios playing out, all waiting for a virtual kids gig from Supersonic Festival. The best festival in the UK for odd and interesting music, they have been curating gigs for small kids for years now and my little one has been to one actual gig and this is the third virtual one she’s seen. To say she’s excited is a slight understatement.
It’s introduced by ‘the Supersonic lady from last time’ and then we’re off. Anna Palmer is in full vamp makeup with blood dripping from her mouth and an echoing distorted microphone, the kids are grinning, she’s giving it her all, acting, singing and getting them going. She plays songs from her kids supersonic album and gets them dancing, the sight of my seven year old dancing to Release That Bats and I Was A Teenage Werewolf was worth the whole thing for me. Anna is wonderful with the kids. Over the video she gets them to make spooky noises and jumps at each one. The children clearly adore her, I have a collection of pictures of her from the different events my little one has drawn.
Anna introduces Ben, who has the little one in hysterics for the whole time he’s on. Resplendent in death mask makeup, at least I’m assuming it’s makeup.. he introduces his friends who perform fantastically silly cover versions, Brian May, Joe Wicks, Black Sabbath, Limahl, a mad professor and so on, the little one’s favourite was Werewolves love onions, mainly because he takes a bite out of an onion at the end and spits it out.
Ben and Anna alternate with silliness and music, Anna introducing her Ghost boxes, Ben singing and being Ben. The last two songs are principally about farts and of course go down like a house on fire. Roll on the next one. Brilliant!
Supersonic Festival’s website is, they are on Facebook and Tweet as @supersonicfest
All words by Adrian Bloxham