Yr Poetry – Lost Boys – E.P review

Yr Poetry

Lost Boys


Out Now

Yr Poetry are a Birmingham based duo who play highly energetic punk with very infectious pop hooks bubbling just under the surface. Fighting Boredom have caught them a few times and we like them a lot, they just released the second E.P. in their Are-We-Good-Enough-To-Get-Paid-For-This experiment, a fresh collection of emasculating pop guitar bullshit.’ Read what we thought below.

Lost Boys is just that, five stories of kids lost and looking for something to hang onto, it’s very clever, listen to the words, alongside music that is very nearly ready to just explode. You can feel the restraint in the quiet moments, the way that they’re trying not to shout in your face and just bloody cry. It does escape in the fantastic harmonies of Bull Shit in i swear i swear i swear (it’s all bullshit)’ and the scrappy falling apart tune. But the overriding feeling is of deep emotions bubbling around and every now and again exploding out because they can’t keep them in anymore. 

When they are quiet it’s soft and reflective, the whole tooth’ is almost sway along to music, but it still has a messy almost lost feel. That’s their strength, the way they reflect emotion and batter those feelings into brilliant flawed tunes that make you want to dance, scream along and just lose yourself in. 

The E.P starts with sons’ and ends with dads’. I’m going all out here, this made me think of my Dad and my children it made me stop and listen hard. This song is just, well, it’s almost perfect. I’ll leave you with that, and this. 
‘I’d race up the stairs to switch it off before my dad got home. 
If I keep wasting electricity, he’s gonna kill me. 
Poor choice of words. Cos dads die first. 
It’s the great energy expenditure cycle of the universe’
Buy this E.P, it’s pay what you want but you can give them a little bit towards the rent and teabags, you can also subscribe to all the releases and give them some piece of mind, it’s worth it, trust me. 

Yr Poetry are on Facebook. You can get their music from their Bandcamp Page.

All words by Adrian Bloxham.

Adrian Bloxham

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