Thee Acid Tongue – Electric Head EP – EP review

Thee Acid Tongue – Electric Head EP


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Thee Acid Tongue play ‘Dynamic, Anthemic, Solid, Punky Rock n Roll….’ and recently released their Electric Head EP. Fighting Boredom likes ‘Dynamic, Anthemic, Solid, Punky Rock n Roll….’ so we bought it and we’ve been listening, read what we thought below..

Dude! What happened man? I remember being at yours and spilling my whiskey down my new shirt, making it to the pub and that band, but after that… Man, it’s a blur. Not sure who’s blood is down my jeans and my head man. My head. It was all fine and cool until you put that record on. What was it? That one that sounded like Motorhead mashed up with all those bad punk bands from the eighties? Thinking of it, most of the punk bands from the eighties sounded like Motorhead anyway… But I mean it got us man, that whiskey was going down smoothly until you put that on and then we started on the cheap bourbon and bad speed. The rest of the night fueled by that hybrid of Drongo, Maximum, Spacey madness. Music for lunatics who remember what punk feels like. Blood, Sex and Alcohol indeed.

I’ve got to try and listen to it straight but every time I try.. I find myself face down half on the road and half in the gutter. You know this lot have been doing this for years, you can feel the emotions built up and around it, well, until it drags you out the door and into oblivion. What an EP.

Thee Acid Tongue have a Bandcamp page and are on Facebook.

All words by Adrian Bloxham.


Adrian Bloxham

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